Haeger Team

Len Kleinjan, PE, PLS, CFM
Len obtained some international civil engineering experience before coming to Haeger in 1994. He took the helm of the firm in 2002. Len Kleinjan sets the vision and direction of the organization, oversees the business and staff, and continues his hands-on involvement in the design and coordination of a broad range of civil engineering projects.

Mike Anderson, PE, LEED AP, SiteOps Certified
Started at Haeger in 1994, Mike Anderson also manages the business and staff and oversees the design and coordination of civil engineering projects that range in size from under an acre to several hundred acres. He also oversees the firm’s business development and client relationship efforts.

Todd Shaffer, PE, CFM, SIT
Began his career at Haeger Engineering in 1997 and became a Principal of the firm in 2006. Todd Shaffer is a very accomplished civil engineer with expertise in all phases of large-scale development projects in a wide variety of markets. He has taken the lead on many of Haeger’s largest projects. He also directs Haeger’s quality control and continuous improvement processes.

Kevin Shaffer, PE, SIT, CFM, CPESC
Kevin worked as a civil engineer in the Chicagoland area before coming over to Haeger Engineering in 2005. Kevin Shaffer became a Principal of the firm in 2008. He specializes in construction plan/specifications, stormwater management and BMP design, SWPPP preparation, and grading designs. He also oversees Haeger’s technology strategy and implementation.

Joe Zgonina, PE
Senior Associate

Paul Lipski

Jeffrey Glunt, PLS, EIT
Professional Land Surveyor

Thomas Jasek, AICP, LEED GA
Land Planner/Entitlements Manager

Josh Terpstra, PE

Kim Lask, PE, PTOE, CFM
Project Manager

Phil Ceratto, PE
Project Manager

Adam Cushman, EIT, SIT
Civil Engineer/Land Surveyor

Jason Harnish
CAD Manager

Michele Small
Office Manager

Mario Villasenor, PLS
Professional Land Surveyor

Dave Polecastro
Survey Crew Chief

Jeff Kania, PLS
Professional Land Surveyor

John Stahl
Survey Crew Chief

Mike Meenan
Project Engineer

Karl Novak
Project Manager

Josh Larson
Project Engineer

Joseph Hall
Land Surveyor

Tammy Kautz
Survey Technician